# author: from __future__ import unicode_literals import requests import time from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from datetime import datetime, timedelta from decimal import Decimal from .exceptions import ( PageError, DisambiguationError, RedirectError, HTTPTimeoutError, WikipediaException, ODD_ERROR_MESSAGE) from .util import cache, stdout_encode, debug import re API_URL = 'http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php' RATE_LIMIT = False RATE_LIMIT_MIN_WAIT = None RATE_LIMIT_LAST_CALL = None USER_AGENT = 'wikipedia (https://github.com/goldsmith/Wikipedia/)' def set_lang(prefix): ''' Change the language of the API being requested. Set `prefix` to one of the two letter prefixes found on the `list of all Wikipedias `_. After setting the language, the cache for ``search``, ``suggest``, and ``summary`` will be cleared. .. note:: Make sure you search for page titles in the language that you have set. ''' global API_URL API_URL = 'http://' + prefix.lower() + '.wikipedia.org/w/api.php' for cached_func in (search, suggest, summary): cached_func.clear_cache() def set_user_agent(user_agent_string): ''' Set the User-Agent string to be used for all requests. Arguments: * user_agent_string - (string) a string specifying the User-Agent header ''' global USER_AGENT USER_AGENT = user_agent_string def set_rate_limiting(rate_limit, min_wait=timedelta(milliseconds=50)): ''' Enable or disable rate limiting on requests to the Mediawiki servers. If rate limiting is not enabled, under some circumstances (depending on load on Wikipedia, the number of requests you and other `wikipedia` users are making, and other factors), Wikipedia may return an HTTP timeout error. Enabling rate limiting generally prevents that issue, but please note that HTTPTimeoutError still might be raised. Arguments: * rate_limit - (Boolean) whether to enable rate limiting or not Keyword arguments: * min_wait - if rate limiting is enabled, `min_wait` is a timedelta describing the minimum time to wait before requests. Defaults to timedelta(milliseconds=50) ''' global RATE_LIMIT global RATE_LIMIT_MIN_WAIT global RATE_LIMIT_LAST_CALL RATE_LIMIT = rate_limit if not rate_limit: RATE_LIMIT_MIN_WAIT = None else: RATE_LIMIT_MIN_WAIT = min_wait RATE_LIMIT_LAST_CALL = None @cache def search(query, results=10, suggestion=False): ''' Do a Wikipedia search for `query`. Keyword arguments: * results - the maxmimum number of results returned * suggestion - if True, return results and suggestion (if any) in a tuple ''' search_params = { 'list': 'search', 'srprop': '', 'srlimit': results, 'limit': results, 'srsearch': query } if suggestion: search_params['srinfo'] = 'suggestion' raw_results = _wiki_request(search_params) if 'error' in raw_results: if raw_results['error']['info'] in ('HTTP request timed out.', 'Pool queue is full'): raise HTTPTimeoutError(query) else: raise WikipediaException(raw_results['error']['info']) search_results = (d['title'] for d in raw_results['query']['search']) if suggestion: if raw_results['query'].get('searchinfo'): return list(search_results), raw_results['query']['searchinfo']['suggestion'] else: return list(search_results), None return list(search_results) @cache def geosearch(latitude, longitude, title=None, results=10, radius=1000): ''' Do a wikipedia geo search for `latitude` and `longitude` using HTTP API described in http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:GeoData Arguments: * latitude (float or decimal.Decimal) * longitude (float or decimal.Decimal) Keyword arguments: * title - The title of an article to search for * results - the maximum number of results returned * radius - Search radius in meters. The value must be between 10 and 10000 ''' search_params = { 'list': 'geosearch', 'gsradius': radius, 'gscoord': '{0}|{1}'.format(latitude, longitude), 'gslimit': results } if title: search_params['titles'] = title raw_results = _wiki_request(search_params) if 'error' in raw_results: if raw_results['error']['info'] in ('HTTP request timed out.', 'Pool queue is full'): raise HTTPTimeoutError('{0}|{1}'.format(latitude, longitude)) else: raise WikipediaException(raw_results['error']['info']) search_pages = raw_results['query'].get('pages', None) if search_pages: search_results = (v['title'] for k, v in search_pages.items() if k != '-1') else: search_results = (d['title'] for d in raw_results['query']['geosearch']) return list(search_results) @cache def suggest(query): ''' Get a Wikipedia search suggestion for `query`. Returns a string or None if no suggestion was found. ''' search_params = { 'list': 'search', 'srinfo': 'suggestion', 'srprop': '', } search_params['srsearch'] = query raw_result = _wiki_request(search_params) if raw_result['query'].get('searchinfo'): return raw_result['query']['searchinfo']['suggestion'] return None def random(pages=1): ''' Get a list of random Wikipedia article titles. .. note:: Random only gets articles from namespace 0, meaning no Category, User talk, or other meta-Wikipedia pages. Keyword arguments: * pages - the number of random pages returned (max of 10) ''' #http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&list=random&rnlimit=5000&format=jsonfm query_params = { 'list': 'random', 'rnnamespace': 0, 'rnlimit': pages, } request = _wiki_request(query_params) titles = [page['title'] for page in request['query']['random']] if len(titles) == 1: return titles[0] return titles @cache def summary(title, sentences=0, chars=0, auto_suggest=True, redirect=True): ''' Plain text summary of the page. .. note:: This is a convenience wrapper - auto_suggest and redirect are enabled by default Keyword arguments: * sentences - if set, return the first `sentences` sentences (can be no greater than 10). * chars - if set, return only the first `chars` characters (actual text returned may be slightly longer). * auto_suggest - let Wikipedia find a valid page title for the query * redirect - allow redirection without raising RedirectError ''' # use auto_suggest and redirect to get the correct article # also, use page's error checking to raise DisambiguationError if necessary page_info = page(title, auto_suggest=auto_suggest, redirect=redirect) title = page_info.title pageid = page_info.pageid query_params = { 'prop': 'extracts', 'explaintext': '', 'titles': title } if sentences: query_params['exsentences'] = sentences elif chars: query_params['exchars'] = chars else: query_params['exintro'] = '' request = _wiki_request(query_params) summary = request['query']['pages'][pageid]['extract'] return summary def page(title=None, pageid=None, auto_suggest=True, redirect=True, preload=False): ''' Get a WikipediaPage object for the page with title `title` or the pageid `pageid` (mutually exclusive). Keyword arguments: * title - the title of the page to load * pageid - the numeric pageid of the page to load * auto_suggest - let Wikipedia find a valid page title for the query * redirect - allow redirection without raising RedirectError * preload - load content, summary, images, references, and links during initialization ''' if title is not None: if auto_suggest: results, suggestion = search(title, results=1, suggestion=True) try: title = suggestion or results[0] except IndexError: # if there is no suggestion or search results, the page doesn't exist raise PageError(title) return WikipediaPage(title, redirect=redirect, preload=preload) elif pageid is not None: return WikipediaPage(pageid=pageid, preload=preload) else: raise ValueError("Either a title or a pageid must be specified") class WikipediaPage(object): ''' Contains data from a Wikipedia page. Uses property methods to filter data from the raw HTML. ''' def __init__(self, title=None, pageid=None, redirect=True, preload=False, original_title=''): if title is not None: self.title = title self.original_title = original_title or title elif pageid is not None: self.pageid = pageid else: raise ValueError("Either a title or a pageid must be specified") self.__load(redirect=redirect, preload=preload) if preload: for prop in ('content', 'summary', 'images', 'references', 'links', 'sections'): getattr(self, prop) def __repr__(self): return stdout_encode(u''.format(self.title)) def __eq__(self, other): try: return ( self.pageid == other.pageid and self.title == other.title and self.url == other.url ) except: return False def __load(self, redirect=True, preload=False): ''' Load basic information from Wikipedia. Confirm that page exists and is not a disambiguation/redirect. Does not need to be called manually, should be called automatically during __init__. ''' query_params = { 'prop': 'info|pageprops', 'inprop': 'url', 'ppprop': 'disambiguation', 'redirects': '', } if not getattr(self, 'pageid', None): query_params['titles'] = self.title else: query_params['pageids'] = self.pageid request = _wiki_request(query_params) query = request['query'] pageid = list(query['pages'].keys())[0] page = query['pages'][pageid] # missing is present if the page is missing if 'missing' in page: if hasattr(self, 'title'): raise PageError(self.title) else: raise PageError(pageid=self.pageid) # same thing for redirect, except it shows up in query instead of page for # whatever silly reason elif 'redirects' in query: if redirect: redirects = query['redirects'][0] if 'normalized' in query: normalized = query['normalized'][0] assert normalized['from'] == self.title, ODD_ERROR_MESSAGE from_title = normalized['to'] else: from_title = self.title assert redirects['from'] == from_title, ODD_ERROR_MESSAGE # change the title and reload the whole object self.__init__(redirects['to'], redirect=redirect, preload=preload) else: raise RedirectError(getattr(self, 'title', page['title'])) # since we only asked for disambiguation in ppprop, # if a pageprop is returned, # then the page must be a disambiguation page elif 'pageprops' in page: query_params = { 'prop': 'revisions', 'rvprop': 'content', 'rvparse': '', 'rvlimit': 1 } if hasattr(self, 'pageid'): query_params['pageids'] = self.pageid else: query_params['titles'] = self.title request = _wiki_request(query_params) html = request['query']['pages'][pageid]['revisions'][0]['*'] lis = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser').find_all('li') filtered_lis = [li for li in lis if not 'tocsection' in ''.join(li.get('class', []))] may_refer_to = [li.a.get_text() for li in filtered_lis if li.a] raise DisambiguationError(getattr(self, 'title', page['title']), may_refer_to) else: self.pageid = pageid self.title = page['title'] self.url = page['fullurl'] def __continued_query(self, query_params): ''' Based on https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Query#Continuing_queries ''' query_params.update(self.__title_query_param) last_continue = {} prop = query_params.get('prop', None) while True: params = query_params.copy() params.update(last_continue) request = _wiki_request(params) if 'query' not in request: break pages = request['query']['pages'] if 'generator' in query_params: for datum in pages.values(): # in python 3.3+: "yield from pages.values()" yield datum else: for datum in pages[self.pageid][prop]: yield datum if 'continue' not in request: break last_continue = request['continue'] @property def __title_query_param(self): if getattr(self, 'title', None) is not None: return {'titles': self.title} else: return {'pageids': self.pageid} def html(self): ''' Get full page HTML. .. warning:: This can get pretty slow on long pages. ''' if not getattr(self, '_html', False): query_params = { 'prop': 'revisions', 'rvprop': 'content', 'rvlimit': 1, 'rvparse': '', 'titles': self.title } request = _wiki_request(query_params) self._html = request['query']['pages'][self.pageid]['revisions'][0]['*'] return self._html @property def content(self): ''' Plain text content of the page, excluding images, tables, and other data. ''' if not getattr(self, '_content', False): query_params = { 'prop': 'extracts|revisions', 'explaintext': '', 'rvprop': 'ids' } if not getattr(self, 'title', None) is None: query_params['titles'] = self.title else: query_params['pageids'] = self.pageid request = _wiki_request(query_params) self._content = request['query']['pages'][self.pageid]['extract'] self._revision_id = request['query']['pages'][self.pageid]['revisions'][0]['revid'] self._parent_id = request['query']['pages'][self.pageid]['revisions'][0]['parentid'] return self._content @property def revision_id(self): ''' Revision ID of the page. The revision ID is a number that uniquely identifies the current version of the page. It can be used to create the permalink or for other direct API calls. See `Help:Page history `_ for more information. ''' if not getattr(self, '_revid', False): # fetch the content (side effect is loading the revid) self.content return self._revision_id @property def parent_id(self): ''' Revision ID of the parent version of the current revision of this page. See ``revision_id`` for more information. ''' if not getattr(self, '_parentid', False): # fetch the content (side effect is loading the revid) self.content return self._parent_id @property def summary(self): ''' Plain text summary of the page. ''' if not getattr(self, '_summary', False): query_params = { 'prop': 'extracts', 'explaintext': '', 'exintro': '', } if not getattr(self, 'title', None) is None: query_params['titles'] = self.title else: query_params['pageids'] = self.pageid request = _wiki_request(query_params) self._summary = request['query']['pages'][self.pageid]['extract'] return self._summary @property def images(self): ''' List of URLs of images on the page. ''' if not getattr(self, '_images', False): self._images = [ page['imageinfo'][0]['url'] for page in self.__continued_query({ 'generator': 'images', 'gimlimit': 'max', 'prop': 'imageinfo', 'iiprop': 'url', }) if 'imageinfo' in page ] return self._images @property def coordinates(self): ''' Tuple of Decimals in the form of (lat, lon) or None ''' if not getattr(self, '_coordinates', False): query_params = { 'prop': 'coordinates', 'colimit': 'max', 'titles': self.title, } request = _wiki_request(query_params) if 'query' in request: coordinates = request['query']['pages'][self.pageid]['coordinates'] self._coordinates = (Decimal(coordinates[0]['lat']), Decimal(coordinates[0]['lon'])) else: self._coordinates = None return self._coordinates @property def references(self): ''' List of URLs of external links on a page. May include external links within page that aren't technically cited anywhere. ''' if not getattr(self, '_references', False): def add_protocol(url): return url if url.startswith('http') else 'http:' + url self._references = [ add_protocol(link['*']) for link in self.__continued_query({ 'prop': 'extlinks', 'ellimit': 'max' }) ] return self._references @property def links(self): ''' List of titles of Wikipedia page links on a page. .. note:: Only includes articles from namespace 0, meaning no Category, User talk, or other meta-Wikipedia pages. ''' if not getattr(self, '_links', False): self._links = [ link['title'] for link in self.__continued_query({ 'prop': 'links', 'plnamespace': 0, 'pllimit': 'max' }) ] return self._links @property def categories(self): ''' List of categories of a page. ''' if not getattr(self, '_categories', False): self._categories = [re.sub(r'^Category:', '', x) for x in [link['title'] for link in self.__continued_query({ 'prop': 'categories', 'cllimit': 'max' }) ]] return self._categories @property def sections(self): ''' List of section titles from the table of contents on the page. ''' if not getattr(self, '_sections', False): query_params = { 'action': 'parse', 'prop': 'sections', } query_params.update(self.__title_query_param) request = _wiki_request(query_params) self._sections = [section['line'] for section in request['parse']['sections']] return self._sections def section(self, section_title): ''' Get the plain text content of a section from `self.sections`. Returns None if `section_title` isn't found, otherwise returns a whitespace stripped string. This is a convenience method that wraps self.content. .. warning:: Calling `section` on a section that has subheadings will NOT return the full text of all of the subsections. It only gets the text between `section_title` and the next subheading, which is often empty. ''' section = u"== {} ==".format(section_title) try: index = self.content.index(section) + len(section) except ValueError: return None try: next_index = self.content.index("==", index) except ValueError: next_index = len(self.content) return self.content[index:next_index].lstrip("=").strip() @cache def languages(): ''' List all the currently supported language prefixes (usually ISO language code). Can be inputted to `set_lang` to change the Mediawiki that `wikipedia` requests results from. Returns: dict of : pairs. To get just a list of prefixes, use `wikipedia.languages().keys()`. ''' response = _wiki_request({ 'meta': 'siteinfo', 'siprop': 'languages' }) languages = response['query']['languages'] return { lang['code']: lang['*'] for lang in languages } def donate(): ''' Open up the Wikimedia donate page in your favorite browser. ''' import webbrowser webbrowser.open('https://donate.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:FundraiserLandingPage', new=2) def _wiki_request(params): ''' Make a request to the Wikipedia API using the given search parameters. Returns a parsed dict of the JSON response. ''' global RATE_LIMIT_LAST_CALL global USER_AGENT params['format'] = 'json' if not 'action' in params: params['action'] = 'query' headers = { 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT } if RATE_LIMIT and RATE_LIMIT_LAST_CALL and \ RATE_LIMIT_LAST_CALL + RATE_LIMIT_MIN_WAIT > datetime.now(): # it hasn't been long enough since the last API call # so wait until we're in the clear to make the request wait_time = (RATE_LIMIT_LAST_CALL + RATE_LIMIT_MIN_WAIT) - datetime.now() time.sleep(int(wait_time.total_seconds())) r = requests.get(API_URL, params=params, headers=headers) if RATE_LIMIT: RATE_LIMIT_LAST_CALL = datetime.now() return r.json()